17. Cucumbers and Pickles

I have always had problems growing cucumbers. When growing them indoors in pots I am erratic with the watering - professional travel gets in the way, and they give up the ghost on me. In the greenhouse they wilt and don’t produce any fruit. It hasn’t been a good track record.

This year I tried planting three cucumber plants outside in the raised beds, and even then it was a bit hit and miss. Only one of the three plants survived, and while that one seemed healthy enough to produce lots of leaves, there was no sign of cucumbers. Until I was weeding around the plant one morning and discovered three enormous cucumbers hidden beneath the foliage - I just hadn’t noticed them. Since then there has been a steady crop.

These outdoor cucumbers are larger and have tougher skins than the supermarket varieties I am used to, so I have decided to pickle them. The most delicious cucumber pickle is this Swedish method using dill tops. They go well with smoked fish and salmon, but are also perfect with burgers.

Success has gone to my head. I am planning to double the crop next season. Crossing fingers that I manage to improve the survival rate on the plants.


18. Orchard Planting I


16. Orchard Clearing