Week 6. Linear Design I

Using flowers to create a simple linear design

Equipment: ceramic tulip vase with lid, oasis.

Foliage: a bunch of white flowers bought from the supermarket.

This arrangement was a real improvisation. It was meant to be a linear design using agapanthus (see Linear Design II) but at the last minute I realised that that there was a mix-up with sourcing the agapanthus, and I didn’t have any. The white flowers were a last minute purchase from the supermarket, and I decided to improvise with those.

The ceramic vase is one I made at West Dean pottery classes many years ago and has a lid with holes for individual flowers. Traditionally these would have been used for tulips, but they work really well for contemporary flower arrangements. I used a single oasis block for the inside.

A traditional arrangement would have 3 x 6 flowers of the same type / height arranged in geometric rows. A more contemporary take on this design is to use a mix of flowers: type, colour, shape, texture and at different heights. I used a white / green theme but with different flowers, textures and heights. They are placed randomly - it is important that there is no pattern or symmetry.

I love this arrangement - it is super simple to do, and will do this a lot more often now that I know how to do it. That combination of the blue and white vase and seasonal flowers is really, really lovely.